Contract calculations
You can see all the calculations that form the basis of the report if you click on "contract calculations". You then get all the months of the agreement and can see specifically which values are used in the report, for example;
Acquisition value
- IB debt
- OB debt
- Leasing/rent
- Amortization
- Interest
- IB asset
- OB asset
- Depreciation
- IB first increased fee (cash bet)
- OB first increased fee (cash bet)
- Depreciation first increased fee (cash bet)
Difference asset and liability (the basis for example, for balanced tax)
- Tax - which tax rate is used
- Tax revaluation - if the tax is changed, the tax is adjusted by this amount
- Deferred tax - balanced deferred tax
Tip - Copy the asset calculations and enter in Excel as a basis for the auditor if information on calculations of certain assets is requested.