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Creating a report in a different currency

If you have contracts in different currencies that you want to convert to an accounting currency, you can add the IFRS Currency Conversion module, which converts the local currency according to an average rate and a balance rate.
This is how you create a report in local currency that is to be converted to another reporting currency;

  1. To convert local currency to accounting currency, you must first create a report based on the selection you want to include and limited to the current currency. You must therefore have a report template in, for example, euros.
    Tip! There are many currency codes, start writing for example "EU..." and the list will be on "EUR" and then just click enter.
  2. After you have created a report in local currency, you convert that report to the desired currency by highlighting and then selecting "Currency report". Click "play" to generate.
  3. You will then arrive at a new window where you name the report, select the accounting currency and set the exchange rates*. The comparison period is usually the entire previous year so in the case of reports in 2021, for example, the previous period throughout 2020.
    *) It is possible to convert to all different rates and the source for IB Balance rate, Average rate, and UB Balance rate can be obtained from, for example, Morningstar, the European Central Bank or Sweden's Riksbank. You can also enter your own rates and they will be saved under your settings.
  4. When you save the report, it should look, for example, as below. Note that the redone report has a symbol to show that it is redone and that the IB and UB are converted to the new currency.
  5. The report now has a conversion difference added to the result, see the following example.