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When the acquisition value differs from previous reporting

In order to have as smooth a transition as possible from previous reporting to the one you will subsequently produce through Leasify, it is important that the figures backwards match. In Leasify, the asset value/discounting of the leasing fees is calculated by the following factors.

  • Fee/rent
  • Payment periodicity
  • Initial discounts in different time periods
  • Index calculations of the rent and/or fixed annual calculations
  • Residual value (in case of financial leasing)
  • The marginal loan interest you specified

The discounting is done by calculating the present value of the interest, for example 5% marginal loan interest with monthly payment gives a periodic interest if: ((1+5%)^(1/12)) = 1.004074

Often, the above value can differ slightly from the periodic interest calculated in some Excel where the formula could be, for example: 5% / 12 = 1.004167

Therefore, the asset value may differ even though the same fees, periodicity and other settings are the same.

Measure: The numbers differ so little and the method used in Leasify is more accurate, so the recommendation is to make a small adjustment, which will facilitate handling in the future. But it is possible to set an exact asset value by entering a "price" and selecting "implicit interest" and asset value according to the "price in the contract", and get the exact value you calculated earlier. See below.

  1. Enter the value you want to use
  2. Use the discounted value and select "Use the price in the contract"